Foreign Trade Training Programs

05 July 2022

Ministry of Trade, which is always aware of the positive effect of qualified workforce on the development of international trade relations, attaches great importance to the education of business communities on basic foreign trade topics.
As the main authority responsible for the preparation and implementation of exports and imports regimes of Türkiye, up to date information is being provided to the business environment about responsibility areas through training programs. In this context, “Foreign Trade Training Programs” are being organized throughout the country on demand driven basis.
Programs are planned and organized in collaboration with Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) and The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB).
Competent and talented trade experts of The Ministry serve as trainers in these programs. Topics in training programs are determined based on need assessment in a wide range. Main topics covered are; target market analysis, customs regulations of Turkey, e-trade related issues, financial and logistics aspects of international trade, introduction to digital platforms of the Ministry, general rules/regulations in world trade etc. Several aspects are taken in to account including participant profile, the foreign trade characteristics of the region where the training is held and so forth to determine the topics/duration of training. A formal evaluation is made to assess efficiency and effectiveness of the program after each event.
Between 2011-2021, 641 Foreign Trade Training Programs were realized with the participation of about 40.000 attendees.
Currently, in the first half of 2022, 31 Foreign Trade Training Programs were delivered to approximately 8.000 representatives of foreign trade related companies. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, most of the programs were conducted online. However, in the new period, programs will be organized either online or face-to-face according to demand.